Saturday, June 6, 2009

One Question at a Time, Please!

The following is not a dramatization. It is an actual conversation that took place last week. However, conversations such as this take place on a very regular basis in our home, the car, restaurants…
Kyle: How many languages are there in the world?
Me: I don’t know. Let me look it up on my phone.
Kyle: Can we go to the Congo this summer?
Me: Sure.
Kyle: What do you think it is like in Chad? I bet it’s hot.
Me: I bet you’re right. It might be like a desert.
Kyle: Are there rainforests in Hawaii?
Me: I don’t know. But I’m still trying to find out how many languages there are. Wait.
Kyle: Have you ever been to the Congo?
Me: Nope.
Kyle: Do you want to go?
Me: Sure. I bet there are big snakes there though. So…I dunno. Maybe not.
Me: There are about 6,800 Languages in the world.
Kyle: About? What do you mean? They don’t know for sure?
Me: No. I guess not. That’s a lot of languages to keep track of!
Kyle: Did you say there were rainforests in Hawaii?
Me: Oh I forgot…Let me look it up on my phone too. I think there are. What made you think of the rainforests?
Kyle: A book about a big tree and a bunch of animals….
Me: The Great Kapok Tree?
Kyle: Yea
Me: Who read that to you?
Kyle: You did!
Me: Kyle, I read that to you like four or five years ago. You still remember that?
Kyle: Yea. How big is the Lake Fairgrounds?
Me: Wait, one question at a time. I’m still looking up the rainforests in Hawaii. I can’t keep track.
Kyle: (Kyle in another room, asking Dad now…) “Dad, are there rainforests in Hawaii?”
Dad: I don’t think so, Buddy.
Me: YES! There are rainforests in Hawaii. I just found it!
Kyle: I wonder where the biggest lake in the world is? How big is the Lake Fairgrounds again?
Me: Huh? Lake Fairgrounds? Do you mean the lake at the fairgrounds?
Kyle: Yea.
Me: (Sigh) I’ll look it up in a minute. Let me finish curling my hair!
Our previous babysitter, Judy, has informed us that she has never met a boy like Kyle before, and she has babysat a lot of kids. She also said she was thankful for the internet because she couldn’t keep up with all the questions or didn’t have all the answers. (I, too, am thankful for the internet and my phone!) Once, when Kyle was only three, he asked me if Adam and Eve had belly buttons. Whoa! Another time, also when he was three, we were moving. We were not sure if we should also move a wooden playset that took a lot of energy to construct. We asked Kyle if we should leave the playset for his friend, Joshua, who lived behind us. Kyle then wondered if that was going to be the case, were we also leaving Daddy’s tractor for Joshua’s daddy. Point taken…We took the playset.
Oh! The conversation about lakes was continued in the car where we discovered the Caspian Sea is actually the largest lake in the world. Lake Superior is second and Lake Michigan is fifth. The deepest lake is in Russia (Lake Baikal) and it is over 5700 feet deep! WOW! We also pondered some existential thoughts such as the Big Bang and whether or not it is possible for people who believe in the Big Bang to also believe in God. Now THAT’S deep!

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