Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Losing Battle! AGH!

I just sat in pee for the 800th time! I have talked to the boys about this over and over and they just don’t get it. I am not giving up on this one!! I will not live a life with pee on my toilet seat and telling visitors to wipe the seat before they sit! I was thinking I should make a sign to put in a pretty frame on the back of the toilet. Maybe the visual reminder would be helpful. I need a catchy phrase though. Something like, “It you don’t lift the lid, I will flip mine!” or “Lift the seat so you don’t get beat!” (I don’t beat my boys…for the record.) Seriously, I need a statement that will stop the madness…really...HELP!


  1. "You don't get to eat if you pee on the seat!"

  2. If you sprinkle
    when you tinkle
    be a sweetie
    and wipe the seatie.

  3. I think that it is a lost cause. I've been sitting in pee for almost 21yrs (dear son). Nothing seems to make a difference....sorry to be the bearer of bad news...

  4. Sit in pee? I just stepped in a puddle! Apparently it's okay to pee on the floor, directly in front of the toilet, if you are too tired at 3:00 A.M. to point your penis 10 degrees higher.
