Monday, July 20, 2009

Steps to Manhood!

As I woman, I am going to admit that we (all woman) know what men do. They pretend they DON’T know how to do something just so they can get out of doing it. My dad is a great example (sorry Dad!) He pretends he doesn’t know how to turn on the dishwasher. He fills it and empties it. But claims he had no idea how to turn it on. I don’t know why we go along with the charade because he is clearly a brilliant man. This is a man who can take a 57 Chevy apart and put it back together again. The dishwasher is not rocket science.

So, with that prefaced, Scott, the boys and I sat down for a VERY informal little lunch yesterday. Along with sandwiches and drinks, I just put three bags of assorted “chips” on the table. This is a timeline of what followed:
1. Carson said he wanted the Cheetos.
2. Scott handed him the bag.
3. Carson looked at it like it was a foreign object.
4. Scott told him to open the bag.
5. Carson acted stupid and tried to dump the contents of the bag without unfolding the top.
6. Scott unfolded the top and opened the bag, nice and wide, for Carson to reach in and get the desired amount of Cheetos.
7. Carson proceeded to grab the bag by the bottom. This indicated he would have the entire contents of the bag on his plate.
8. Scott stopped him, “Just reach in, buddy, and grab what you want.” (This was funny because Scott was “showing” Carson how to grab food out of a bag.)
9. Again, Carson grabs the bag by the bottom to dump.
10. Finally frustrated, Scott just grabbed a handful of Cheetos and put them on Carson’s plate for him.

It was a first step toward manhood for Carson. It was something he really didn’t want to do himself (probably because his hand would emerge from the bag with orange powder on it!) I believe learning to grab objects was something learned in those first 8 months of life or so. He quickly and cleverly learned that if he pretends he doesn’t know how to do something, it will be done FOR him! Way to go Little Man!

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